Lupin Limited is one of India’s largest manufacturers of bulk actives and formulations. The principal bulk actives manufactured by it include Rifampicin, Pyrazinamide, Ethambutol (anti-TB), Cephalosporins (anti-infectives) and cardiovasculars. The company also possesses competencies in phytomedicines, in which medicines are made out of plant and herbal resources supported by the discipline of modern medicine.

Quality Assurance – Officer
Qualification : B.Pharma
Experience : 3-7 Years
Details of Profile : Line clearance of manufacturing ft packing area, performing in process checks at manufacturing ft packing area, monitoring compliance at shop floor, issue & retrieval of GMP documents, review of various protocols & reports, review-BMR & BPR, SOP review & preparation. Exposure to only formulation OSD (Tablet / capsules) in USFDA / UK / MHRA approved company.

Quality Assurance – Officer
Qualification : B. Pharma
Experience : 3 – 7 Years
Details of Profile : QMS & Documentation : Knowledge about Quality Role – Handling of QAMS activities like OOS & OOT, Market Complaint, Issuance & retrieval of various GMP documents, BMR & BPR review, SOP Preparation. Quality risk assessment for product, equipment, systems, software. Change control, CAPA, internal audit, hold time, etc. Exposure to only formulation OSD (Tablet / capsules) in USFDA / UK / MHRA approved company.

Quality Control – Officer
Qualification : B.Sc./MSc/B. Pharm
Experience : 3- 5 Years
Details of Profile : Analysis of finished product / Raw materials / Stability samples, Instrument operation and calibration knowledge – HPLC / UV / Dissolution / IR / GC / LCMS / Malvern and its software. Familiar with regulatory inspections like USFDA, MHRA, WHO, etc. Exposure to only formulation OSD (Tablet / capsules) in USFDA / UK / MHRA approved company.

Quality Control – Executive
Qualification : MSc Micro
Experience : 4 – 8 years
Details of Profile : Microbial limit test validation, MLT testing of Raw materials /finished product/Stability samples, packing material. Additionally Environment monitoring, water sampling and analysis, culture / bioball handling. Autoclave validation. Handling of LIMS and Vitek 2 compact or software based identification test. Exposure to only formulation OSD (Tablet / capsules) in USFDA / UK / MHRA approved company.

Quality Control – Sr. Executive
Qualification : B.Sc./ MSc / B.Pharm
Experience : 8-12 Years
Details of Profile : Reviewing EMDS / UMS specification, STP / SPEC / IDS, Supporting LIMS related CSV documentation, Performing computer system and software validations in QC laboratory, Instrument calibration / qualification, performing analysis in QC laboratory, preparation and verification of UMS master data. Exposure to only formulation OSD (Tablet / capsules) in USFDA / UK / MHRA approved company.

Job Location : Aurangabad, Maharashtra

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